
Sustainability policy

Sustainability policy

We will pursue the realization of a sustainable society by solving social issues and emphasizing dialogue with all stakeholders through corporate activities that balance social and economic value based on our management philosophy and group vision.

Realization of Management philosophy|Implement sustainability management & provide circular economy
Shared value creation framework adopted by Nippon Seiki Group
Business Approach

Nippon Seiki Group will work to realize the development goals of SDGs while taking an Outside-In Business Approach to contribute to society through its core business, based on the concept of CSV (Creating Shared Value), which aims to achieve both business development and solutions to social issues by leveraging our strengths.

Outside-In Business Approach
Integrated Report[NIPPON SEIKI REPORT] サプライヤサスティナビリティガイドライン リンク
Integrated Report[NIPPON SEIKI REPORT]


Efforts for SDGs / ESG

Nippon Seiki is striving to improve its corporate value evaluation standards for non-financial areas, which are required by society and the market in the areas of the environment, society, and corporate governance. Details of each item can be found in the link below.

Initiatives for Environment
Initiatives for Society
Initiatives for Corporate Governance
Initiatives for Quality / Safety / Human Resources


Please contact the link below for inquiries.