Efforts for Governance

Basic Corporate Governance Concept

We place importance on relationships of trust with our shareholders, employees, customers, business partners, creditors, local communities, and other stakeholders. In addition, in order to achieve sustained growth and increase corporate value over the medium to long term, we will provide appropriate information disclosure, including non-financial information, and support transparent, fair, and prompt decision-making by directors and others.We recognize that realization of a corporate governance system and constructive dialogue with shareholders are the most important issues. We will continue to strive to achieve sustained growth and increase corporate value over the medium to long term.

Corporate Governance

Diagram of Corporate Governance and
Internal Control System
Diagram of Corporate Governance and Internal Control System
Composition and main roles of
each organization
Composition and main roles of each organization
Corporate Governance System

As a company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee, we have established a corporate governance system centered on the Board of Directors and the Audit and Supervisory Committee. In order to accelerate business execution and clarify the roles of supervisory and executive functions, we have delegated part of the decision-making authority for business execution to the President and Representative Director, and introduced an operating officer system.

Internal Control System

In accordance with the Companies Act and the Enforcement Regulations of the Companies Act, we have established a system (internal control system) to ensure the appropriateness of our business as described in the preceding clause, and we will further enhance this system.
We hold regular meetings between the Accounting Auditors and the Audit and Supervisory Committee to share information, and regular monthly meetings between the Internal Audit Division and Directors of the Audit and Supervisory Committee to share and cooperate with the audit results.
In addition, we hold three-pronged audit meetings with accounting auditors, the Audit and Supervisory Committee, and the Internal Audit Division about three times a year to share information on internal control issues.

Governance Report

The Board of Directors Effectiveness

Evaluation of the Board of Directors effectiveness

【Evaluation process】
Every year, we analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the Board of Directors as a whole by conducting a questionnaire survey to directors who comprise the Board of Directors, reviewing the results by independent outside directors, and reporting the results to the Board of Directors.

【Summary of evaluation results】
As a result, the effectiveness of the entire Board of Directors in the previous fiscal year. Directors was confirmed that they have secured the effectiveness of the management of the Board of Directors, the monitoring function of the Board of Directors, and the method of reporting to the Board of Directors was also evaluated that improvements are made. On the other hand, they shared the need for more opportunities to discuss medium-term issues. Based on these opinions, we will work to make improvements to further improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors.

Nomination policy for director candidates

In selecting senior management at our company, we comprehensively look into their experience, abilities, and achievements as managers, emphasize their contribution to business results during their term of office, and consider whether they will be able to fulfill their duties with integrity by constantly learning to be examples to others and strive for the development of our company.
For nominating BOD candidates who are the audit committee, we comprehensively consider knowledge, experience, abilities and personal achievements that enables to appropriately satisfy the role required as an audit committee.
(1)Knowledge and experience as an expert to the formulation of management strategies and plans and the execution of important operations reflecting in the decision-making process.
(2)Ensuring that conflicts of interest do not arise between the Company and the Board of Directors.
(3)Reflecting the opinions of shareholders and other stakeholders.

Nomination of candidates for director as audit committee members

Knowledge that enables us to appropriately fulfill the roles required of the Audit Committee when nominating candidates for the Board of Directors who are members of our Audit, etc.
Nominations are made after comprehensively considering knowledge, experience, abilities, and personal achievements.

Board Composition and Skill Matrix
Board Composition and Skill Matrix

Risk Management

Risk Management System

We have established a Risk Management Committee to reduce and respond to various risks in our business operations. The Risk Management Committee consists of the BCP Subcommittee, the Disaster Prevention Subcommittee, and the Confidential Information Management Subcommittee. The BCP Subcommittee and the Disaster Prevention Subcommittee formulate business continuity plans and reduce disaster risks, and the Confidentiality Management Subcommittee implements information security measures.

Risk Management SystemRisk Management System
Basic Concept of BCP

In recent years, earthquakes, fires, explosions, wind, snow, and flood damage have occurred one after another in countries around the world, and pandemic (a new type of coronavirus) has spread throughout the world. Since it is expected to have a significant impact on the maintenance of the supply chain, it is necessary to determine what measures are being taken to deal with the risks and bottlenecks of stopping business activities. It is also necessary to formulate and implement a business continuity strategy that can be implemented in order to avoid a "loss of management" in the event of an accident.
In order to prevent the suspension of business operations due to disasters such as fires, earthquakes, wind, snow, and floods, and infectious diseases, the Group is narrowing down important operations and promoting the formulation of business continuity plans.
In the event of a disaster, accident, or incident, Representative Director takes the lead of operation meetings in deliberating measures to minimize losses, the possibility of business continuity, and the risk of delivery to customers.

Information security management

Our group is working on safe information management globally by building an ISMS (Information Security Management System) system and continuously maintaining and improving information security, including employee education. In particular, we consider customer information, sales information, technical information, personal information, etc. to be highly confidential. In order to protect them from risks such as leakage, loss, destruction, and falsification, we have established appropriate security rules and audit sheets, and implement regular audits and corrective measures.
In terms of IT security, in response to the recent increase in the risk of cyber-attacks, we have introduced stronger defense mechanisms such as EDR across the group.
In addition to internal systems, we maintain and improve security standards by obtaining and renewing information security certification in Japan and Europe established by the German Automobile Industry Association called TISAX, and by complying with Japan's automobile industry cybersecurity guidelines.

Intellectual Property

Basic Concept on Intellectual Property

We promote intellectual property activities based on our basic policies of securing beneficial rights, ensuring intellectual property safety, and strengthening the utilization of rights.
To secure beneficial rights, we seek and evaluate patentable inventions, acquire rights from highly valued inventions, and promote the creation of a foundation to advance business superiority. In addition, to support the acquisition of orders, we will promote the acquisition of rights corresponding to the countries in which we distribute our products and to our competitors.
"Ensuring Intellectual Property Safety" manages intellectual property risks by conducting patent research in accordance with the development and design phases.
As part of our efforts to strengthen the use of rights, we are promoting verification of other companies' products. When the use of our rights is confirmed, appropriate use of rights such as licenses is made.


Basic stance on compliance (compliance declaration)

The Nippon Seiki Group strives to be a corporate group that is even more trusted by society by placing importance on compliance in its management, complying with laws and ethics as a responsible member of society, and practicing sound corporate activities.
We aim to become a corporate group trusted by society by establishing a compliance code of conduct and having each director and each employee act in accordance with the code of conduct.
We will also contribute to the prosperity of society by providing high-value products and services that satisfy customers.

Compliance Promotion System

We have established a Compliance Committee under the Representative Director to promote compliance, and appoint a Director or an executive officer with an official title as the Compliance Officer. The Compliance Committee is responsible for establishing a company-wide compliance system, identifying problems and issues, and conducting awareness-raising activities.
The committee deliberates on important issues related to violations of the law and promotes continuous improvement. In addition, the Directors in charge of operations and Executive Officers analyze compliance risks specific to each business division and take countermeasures to continuously improve the quality of these risks.

Compliance Training and Education

We have included the Compliance Declaration, the Internal Reporting System, and the Compliance Code of Conduct in the TQM notebook carried by all employees, and are working to educate employees about the meaning of compliance and to publicize it.
Based on the annual activity plan of the Compliance Committee, compliance training for new employees, compliance training for managers by corporate lawyers, and distribution of educational materials (quarterly).
These measures are implemented by all group companies. In addition, we are working to prevent recurrence of compliance incidents occurring at Group companies by sharing information with the Compliance Committee and the General Affairs Manager of each company.
In addition, we are working to raise awareness of legal compliance by holding antitrust law training for sales departments and employees on overseas assignments, and holding annual training for all employees to prevent insider trading.

Whistleblowing System

In accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act, we have established an internal reporting system that accepts reports from employees, including affiliated companies, who are aware of improprieties, at internal and external contact points (attorneys), protects whistleblowers, and implements appropriate investigations, corrections, and preventive measures.
We ensure that whistleblowers are fully protected by allowing whistleblowers to report anonymously and by imposing confidentiality obligations on those in charge.
In addition, the Compliance Committee is responsible for the internal whistleblower hotline. The Compliance Committee mandates the submission of reports on certain serious cases to outside directors, and prohibits the involvement of interested parties in cases. In this way, the fairness and independence of the whistleblower hotline is ensured.

Multi-Stakeholder Policy

Multi-Stakeholder Policy

Nippon Seiki Co., Ltd. is committed to appropriate collaboration with multi-stakeholders based on the importance of value creation not only with shareholders but also with employees, business partners, customers, creditors, local communities and other stakeholders in corporate management.